OSFED stands for other specified feeding and/or eating disorder and it is the umbrella term for any disordered eating that does not meet criterion for anorexia nervosa , bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, avoidant restrictive food intake disorder or pica. People with OSFED may present with symptoms from all the above eating disorders or switch between for different periods of time. For example, someone may starve themselves for months at a time and reach a very low body weight, meeting criteria for anorexia nervosa, but then have periods where they enter the starve, binge, purge cycle of bulimia nervosa. OSFED is a serious life threatening disease, which presents with a large range of symptoms. Our team of professionals are expertly trained in managing people with OSFED and the associated behaviours, ensuring we aid recovery by providing multidisciplinary holistic interventions.
As with most eating disorders, there is not a simple cause for it developing, however, it is usually related to low self esteem, distorted body image, depression and anxiety. A range of biological, psychological and environmental factors can cause eating disorders such as genetics, stress, loss of control, or even dieting which has escalated into an obsession. Sometimes people develop OSFED as a way of dealing with intense emotions that they feel like they can't handle.
If an individual is showing disturbed eating behaviour that seems obsessive with food and sporadic, they may have OSFED. Here are some common symptoms or signs of OSFED:
OSFED are not limited to these warning signs, it is a complicated and serious mental health illness which portrays differently in each person. OSFED is treatable and the sooner an individual can get help, the more likely it is for an individual with OSFED to recover.
If you would like to make an appointment please contact us.
The risks associated with OSFED are severe. People who have OSFED usually present with the symptoms most closely related to the eating disorder they portray:
With the appropriate care, those with OSFED can make a full recovery. Our team of health professionals is led by a mental health nurse, ensuring the individual gets adequate treatment suited to them. Our psychologists will help them break the cycle of OSFED by addressing the root cause of the disordered eating and advise techniques to increase positive behaviours and reduce the feelings related to self esteem and/or depression. Our dietitian will help optimise the individual's nutrition and address any nutritional issues that may be present, as well as putting a plan into place for weight gain if required.
To see how our team can help you please contact us.
OSFED is a mental illness and it is, therefore,treated through a mental health nurse led multidisciplinary treatment programme. A multidisciplinary approach helps maximise the potential to achieve a full recovery of the illness, even if the individual has had an eating disorder for many years. We understand that each eating disorder, in each person, is different and we will take time in getting to know the person with OSFED. Our mental health nurse makes an assessment and will work with the individual to decide on a treatment programme which best suits them. Our psychologist will talk with the the individual to identify the emotional and food related triggers for the eating disorder and establish a more positive behaviour routine. Our dietitian will treat any nutritional deficiencies the individual may have and put in a plan for healthy weight gain (if required).
If you’d like to know more about our treatment programmes, please contact us.
It is very hard for people with OSFED to get better by themselves, sometimes they haven't even admitted to themselves that they have a problem yet. Therefore, if someone is showing signs of OSFED, it is important they get help because the sooner it is diagnosed and treated, the greater chance there is of recovery. An outpatient clinic such as ourselves is a relaxed and positive atmosphere for the treatment of people with OSFED. At The Bridge, we can provide immediate access to a mental health nurse assessment and weekly reviews, dietetic assessments and psychological treatment to help aid recovery in an holistic manner.
To find out more about how we can help please contact us.
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